Say Goodbye to Compression Stockings

New Study Finds Alternative Varicose Vein Treatment for Hot Weather

Varicose veins can cause pain and unsightly appearance for many people. The standard postoperative recommendation for varicose vein treatment has been the use of compression stockings or bandages. However, a recent retrospective study from Dr. Smile Medical Group suggests that compression stockings may not be necessary after CHIVA surgery.

The study involved 200 patients with varicose veins who received CHIVA treatment. Half of the patients wore gradient compression stockings for two weeks after surgery, while the other half did not wear any compression stockings. The results showed no significant difference in treatment effectiveness and incidence of complications between the two groups, but patients who did not wear compression stockings reported higher postoperative satisfaction.

Dr. Deng jianping, a lead physician at Dr. Smile Medical Group in Guangzhou, explained that CHIVA may be the best option for patients who cannot tolerate wearing compression stockings for several weeks during hot summer weather. While further research is needed to confirm these findings, Dr. Deng believes that CHIVA can provide better treatment opportunities for patients who want to quickly recover and return to their daily lives after the procedure.